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PM Minutes 2/6/12, Approved
FEBRUARY 6, 2012

A meeting of the Salem Parking Board was held on Wednesday, February 6, 2012 at 4:00 pm. at 120 Washington Street, Salem, MA.  Present were Mr. Caggiano, Mr. Doggett and Mr. Walsh. Also present was Parking Director James Hacker.  Councillor Sargent arrived later in the meeting.


Mr. Walsh made a motion to approve the minutes of November 7, 2011. Mr. Doggett seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   


Mr. Hacker distributed the report on revenues through November, 2011.  He stated that the numbers are off in the garages gate revenue and meter revenues, as there does not seem to be much activity downtown and therefore meters are available.  They are up in garage/office revenue, likely due to the selling of new courthouse passes.  He noted that parking fines revenue is up a little bit.

Mr. Hacker stated that sometime this week a bid shall be posted for installing the posts for the new meters – approximately 114 meter posts.  

Mr. Hacker stated that the week of 2/20/12, barring snow, they will be testing 50 new IPS meters which are run by credit card, as well as 25 sensors that get mounted near the meter.  When a vehicle leaves, it sets the meter back to zero.  

Mr. Hacker stated that, in the Church Street lot, there have been complaints that the machine is not user friendly. Therefore, for next 90 days starting tomorrow, there will be a person there to show people how to use the machines.  He stated that the Church and Bridge Street lots with the same boxes work fine because people are used to using them.  He added that the coin box goes directly to the bank and the machine tells us how much money is in the box.  Therefore, when goes to the bank it is more secure and there is no shrinkage.  He noted that the Church Street lot it is more of a transient lot, used mostly by courthouse visitors or tourists.  He stated that they will also be installing signs instructing users on how to operate the machine, which will be visible for the people waiting in line.  

Mr. Hacker stated that in the past 60 days, they resurfaced and striped the Sewall Street lot.  In the spring, they will hot top the island, which now gets overgrown with grass.

Mr. Caggiano stated that Council Committee on Ordinances, Licenses and Legal Affairs reviewed the Parking Boards recommendation letter dated 11/11/11 that was sent to the Committee.  The only action they have taken was for snow emergencies, which was a change to 50 cents per hour at each garage during snow emergencies, instead of the 75 cents per hour recommended by the Board.  

Councillor Arthur Sargent joined the meeting at this time.

Mr. Hacker stated that the full City Council approved the change the following week and that it will take effect when the new parking plan is implemented in April.

Mr. Hacker stated that two meetings ago, the Board asked about its mission.  Mr. Hacker distributed a copy of Article VII of the Salem Code regarding the Parking Department, including the Board and the Executive Director.

Mr. Caggiano stated that it reaffirms the board’s role and responsibilities.  He stated that they are still waiting to hear from the Chamber of Commerce for a recommendation to replace Mr. Bouchard.  He stated that Mr. Hacker will contact Mr. Silva and Mr. Oosthoek and see if they have made any progress.

Mr. Doggett inquired about Mr. Spatafore’s status.  

Mr. Caggiano stated that he is still a board member, but is unable to attend meetings at this time.  

Mr. Hacker stated that Mr. Spatafore has some health issues, but hopes to come back.  

Mr. Caggiono read Section 2-1398 regarding the powers, duties and general responsibilities of the Board.
He stated that it seems that the responsibilities are generally for off street parking facilities.  He noted that topics such as visitor parking passes and resident parking stickers is generally a little out of the board’s scope.  He noted that the Board can give direction with regard to parking fees on facilities.

Mr. Walsh noted that the Board also handles meters, which is considered on street parking, but it does not say that in the article.

Mr. Hacker stated that his interpretation is that anything that has to do with changing parking on the street has to go through City council (i.e. no parking areas, handicapped spaces, etc.).  He stated that for lots and garages, they are able to make changes without going through council.  As an example, he noted that they o changed the location of handicapped parking on top of the Museum Place garage.  He added that it is required by law to have so many handicapped spaces in relation to the total amount of parking spaces and that on the less accessible Bridge Street lot, in response to Commission on Disabilities advise, there are no handicapped spaces, but more were added to the Church Street lot as a reasonable accommodation.  The Parking Department is charged with maintenance of the parking meters.  He stated that he felt it important to inform the Board when there is a change in on street parking, noting that when there is a change on the street, it effects off street parking.  

Mr. Walsh noted that the Parking Board does not have to have any input on parking meter fees.

Mr. Doggett asked if the Board should be reviewing and approving the budget.

Mr. Hacker stated that he prepares the budget and that this year he has been advised to submit a level funded budget.  He stated that he was not sure how he would be able to keep it level funded, since they will need to add people for the new parking plan on the street.  He will then meet with the Finance Director.  Following that, he will meet with the Mayor, who makes the final determination, which is submitted to the City Council.  Mr. Hacker stated that he will bring the budget to the next meeting.

Mr. Hacker stated that there was a lighting issue in the Museum Place Garage and that during the rain storms there was major water intrusion resulting in lost lights on the second floor.  They got a CIP request approved by the City Council and repaired the lights.  They also had a couple burst drain pipes which were repaired - one was in the Charter School and the other in the Essex Restaurant.  He stated that the elbows are wearing out after 30 years.  He noted that there was an issue with the Legacy Law Firm, when rain leaked in , but it was not from a drain, but from under their front door.

Mr. Hacker distributed a copy of Mr. Bouchard’s resignation.

VOTE: Mr. Hacker stated that the North Shore Cancer Walk has requested that the South Harbor Garage be made available for free parking for walkers from 6:30am-12:30pm on June 24th.  Mr. Doggett made a motion to approve the request.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.

Mr. Walsh asked if there are going to be meters placed in front of the old courthouse.  

Mr. Hacker replied in the affirmation, noting that the spaces previously reserved for police will be turned back to public spaces.  He noted that there eight spaces for police in front of the new courthouse.

Mr. Walsh asked if there were spaces lost.

Mr. Hacker stated that we actually gained, because it was previously an area of no parking.

Councillor Arthur Sargent stated that an Ordinance was passed so that the reserved spaces will now be available when the courthouse is closed.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 5, 2012.

There being no further business, Mr. Doggett made a motion to adjourn.  Mr. Walsh seconded the motion, all were in favor and the motion so carried.   

Respectfully submitted,

Jane A. Guy